FAQs sobre os Cursos Premium

Who can participate?

All 50 nominated participants (general practitioners, primary care physicians, family physicians, and any medical doctor involved in management and prevention of cardio-renal complications in type 2 diabetes).

The course is organized according to the following structure: Management Guidelines for Type 2 Diabetes in Primary Care; Glucose-Lowering Medications; Live Webinar-1; Treatment Choices in Type 2 Diabetes; Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease; Diabetic Kidney Disease; Early CVD-Renal prevention in Type 2 Diabetes; Live Webinar-2.

In order to complete the course and obtain the certificate and 5 European CME credits, you will need to register first to the School webpage. Once you have subscribed, you can start the course by filling out the initial self-evaluation. After that, you can start the online modules. There will be an option to attend a first live webinar after completion of first three modules and a second live webinar after completion of last two modules. To see your progress after the course, we ask you to complete the final self-evaluation. Finally, once you have given your feedback of the course, you will be able to download your certificate.

To apply, you should go to www.idfdiabeteschool.org, click on Register and provide the information asked. Once you are registered, click on Premium Courses, and then on Management and Prevention of Cardio-Renal Complications in T2D. After that, you can start learning.

This online module and webinars are supported by an educational grant from AstraZeneca and therefore, it is free of access for the 50 nominated participants.

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